Thank you for your continued prayers for Saffron Walden Bible Focus. Here are a few pointers for our intercessions as we move further into 2025. This
new year, will see (God willing) the ninth autumn event since we began in 2017. Praise the Lord!
Speaker: Dr Tony Watkins (Tyndale House, Cambridge)
Subject: “Where does God live? Exploring the theme of God’s dwelling place through the whole Bible”
Team changes
- Praise the Lord for a new team member
- Pray for the team members who are taking up new responsibilities.
- Pray for the proposed plan to appoint a new chairman in due course.
- Pray for a renewed vision to keep us fresh and in tune with the Lord.
Autumn event: Saturday, September 20th 2025
Speaker: Alasdair Paine (St Andrew the Great, Cambridge)
Future concerns
- Numbers were down last year compared to previous years.
- Prayer for wisdom in making the event even better and better known.
- Children – only one was booked in last year.
- Again, please pray for wisdom: should we continue providing a children’s programme or not? If so, we need leaders and children!
Acts 18:9-11
‘One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and
harm you, because I have many people in this city.” So Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God’’.
Thank you for your crucial support in this ministry. Our chairman, Tony Mason, has drawn up these points.
God bless,
Paul Martin