Dear friends,
“Let there be light.” Genesis 1:3
Are you enjoying the lighter mornings and longer evening daylight? Whether literal or metaphorical, light is always preferable to darkness.
At creation God brought light into darkness, order into chaos and life into lifelessness. “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (Gen 1:2). So, even before Day 1, darkness was there but also God was there! Then the first thing he said was: “Let there be light” – and there was light, because God said so. (The Hebrew word for ‘word’ is the same as the word for ‘deed’. For the practical Hebrews words and actions went together! When God speaks, he acts; whatever he says is as good as done. Or, to put it another way, God always acts on his word). Light is not only the work of God, it is also the will of God.
How much darkness there is and how much we need light; not least in the areas of sexuality, the economy, ethics, personal and international relationships and in our understanding of truth. Psalm 119:30 says: “The entrance (or, unfolding) of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple”. Through the Holy Spirit, expository preaching and prayerful personal reading of the Bible is precisely that – the unfolding of the Word of God. Bible Focus seeks to be one among many means by which God ‘unfolds’ his Word to give better understanding; and better understanding enriches our discipleship which, in turn, brings yet greater glory to our Lord Jesus Christ through lives reflecting his grace. “If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin”. (I John 1:7).
Not only did Jesus say that he is the light of the world (John 8:12), but he said that his disciples are, too (Matt 5:14). What a provision! What a ministry! What a need! “O Lord, let there be light”.
Thank you to all those who were able to join us for prayer on the 18th: a time of fellowship and renewal of hope. Details of the next prayer opportunity will be sent out in due course.
Yours, in Christ,